Groups / Teams / Solo

We offer groups, teams and individuals a space to discover their own, individual development paths.

Changes require adjustments or the development of new processes in different tempo – within me, with others, within the organization.
In the joint work we will take jointly a look at your topic, visualize it, structure and develop concrete results.
More information here.

Online / Offline / Hybrid

Coaching and training are possible and as effective in physical and virtual space.

With ONLINE as well as on premises or in BLENDED formats, we will enable you to:

  • exchange interactively
  • generate opportunities for development
  • at an intensive (learning) experiences
  • and co-creative exchange

ONLINE – at PREMISSES or BLENDED – CONBEN has many years of international experience with team and leadership development.

Different Way Of Coaching− Walk The Talk

Not only in special times, but a walk can also be a way to leave old ways of thinking and explore new paths. Other sensory impressions, depending on the weather, stimulate other points of view.

We move step by step towards your goal – guaranteed with the necessary distance to the topic and at your speed.

CONBEN’s Way Of Working and methods


Your company or organisation is more than the sum of individuals and personalities who work there. An open and trusting atmosphere sphere is important to us. It is one of the essential prerequisites for successful cooperation and sustainable success.

Joint cooperation

  • Trusting atmosphere
  • Cooperative attitude
  • Sensitive awareness of resources
  • Joyful collaboration

Methods & Tools

  • Structured approach
  • Co-creative methods (on-site & digital) including reflecting teams, Design Thinking, observation techniques
  • Scientifically based coaching approaches (behavioural, psychodynamic)
  • On-site in presence, online, hybrid

Sustainable implementation in everyday life

  • Pragmatic
  • Reflexive
  • Trying out, transferring and applying new ways and approaches


Online and offline we work according to the following principles

  1. Focus on yourself and on the topic
  2. Appropriate rhythm between reflection, (online) tools, group and individual work
  3. Sense of belonging to be able to take responsibility for oneself and the work topic

Your concerns are individual, as is the necessary approach. We would be happy to explain to you in a personal conversation how we would work together specifically on your topic and how it will look like for you and your organisation.


Longterm Relations in Private and Public Sector

Our customers are open to new things and are looking for pragmatic, tailor-made solutions for their particular situation. They are over many years and many generations active in their business area.

With us they are looking for a new perspective beyond their industry, a sparring partner for the continuous reflection of actions or the rock in the surf in storms of change to take all women and men with them.

We have been working for a large number of  medium-sized, international companies and organizations for more than 20 years. Our clients come from various private sectors as well as public sector:


Sector and industry expertise


Selected Credentials & Assignments Europe


Growth in sales in a volatile and price-driven market environment CONBEN interventions

CONBEN Intervention:

Workshops with the sales team including leadership on the following issues:

  • Business key figures from the customer’s point of view: What is the basis for our customers‘ decisions?
  • Analysis of the customer portfolio: How many A, B, C customers do I have? What is my future sales strategy?
  • What are the opportunities and risks in my sales area? Where are there still white spots? How do I plan further development of this area?
  • Implementation plan

    Training of the sales team e.g. to:

    • Sales techniques, conversation and presentation to customers / buyers
      conduct of negotiations
    • Convincing presentation and sales at trade fairs
    • Sales support in negotiations with long-term customers


    Improved custmer service orientation & support

    CONBEN Intervention

    • Accompanying the sales team with the changes in the product range
    • Role and contribution of customer service to customer satisfaction
    • Training on various customer contact points and dealing with challenging situations (complaint and conflict management)
    • Improved communication with internal departments and co-operation partners
    • Preparation of customer service for participation in active sales



    • Etablierung von neuen digitalen Arbeitsprozessen unter Einbeziehung von verschiedenen Stakeholdern
    • Nachhaltige effiziente Nutzung digitaler Tools für eine verbesserte Zusammenarbeit in verschiedenen Formaten (vor Ort, Online, hybrid)

    CONBEN Intervention

    • Situation analysis and goal definition, considering the different digital knowledge, expectations and organizational culture with co-creative methods
    • Workshops to define the requirement parameters for changed processes
    • Establishment of adapted communication structures and new processes involving various stakeholders
    • Training and internal peer coaching on selected digital topics
    • Regular feedback to secure quality and assurance of sustainability by stakeholder groups

    Selected Credentials & Assignments Asia


    Challenge „re-location of production in China“

    Re-location of production site within China and highly diverse management team with five different nationalities lead to tensions and conflicts.

    CONBEN Intervention

    • Workshops with management team: enhance mutual understanding of the actual situation, develop common future picture and work out path from the actual to the target situation
    • Team building and leadership development for management team and 2nd level managers

    Challenge „set-up of R&D centre in China“

    R&D centre was set up in China in order to develop innovative products for Asian markets. However, alignment between this new entity and existing production/sales entities was challenging to reach. This let to conflicts and fluctuation of talents.

    CONBEN Intervention

    • Internal analysis through interviews and workshops
    • Workshops including key people from new R&D centre and existing production/sales entities to clarify common objectives, roles and responsibilities
    • Leadership development program for the newly set-up R&D management team

    Challenge „manage sales growth in South-East Asia“

    European headquarters had high expectations regarding fast sales growth on South East Asia. Six different countries with various maturity levels and market situations needed to be prepared for the aggressive growth.

    CONBEN Intervention

    • Alignment workshops with General Managers from six different South-East Asian countries
    • Leadership program for 2nd level managers from all six countries to ensure an aligned leadership approach (e.g. performance management) throughout the whole region



    • lead and manage fast growth in different Asian markets given mega trends in automotive business (e-mobility, autonomous driving, urban mobility, intelligent connected vehicles…)
    • drive Asian localisation within a complex worldwide matrix-organization
    • enhance speed and strengthen responsiveness to customers’ needs in Asian markets
    • winning Chinese OEMs
    • attract and develop talents

    CONBEN Intervention

    • Facilitation of continuous improvement initiatives including workshops, sensing journeys, stakeholder interviews and peer coaching
    • Facilitation of upwards feedbacks to allow higher level leaders to understand their local team members’ views and ideas for improvement
    • Guided group coaching over three months between key players from various plants and customer teams to enhance trust as basis for smooth cooperation and win valuable time
    • Soft skills trainings for all project managers in Asia to strengthen their capabilities to successfully lead and motivate a project team without having the disciplinary responsibility
    • Leadership and talent development programs for different levels of managers and leaders throughout the organization
    • Workshops to develop a common understanding of the leadership culture within the leadership team after the transformation of a Joint Venture into a 100%  company subsidiary


    Challenge „company culture“

    • Managing 25 diverse sourcing offices throughout Asia with more than 30 nationalities
    • Digitalisation brings disruptive change to the traditional supply chain of the sourcing business
    • Long-term success lead to a people-oriented, however almost complacent, culture in which performance thinking took a back seat

    CONBEN Intervention

    • Defining ‘Winning Principles’ for the organization as cultural basis to leverage the organization to next performance level
    • Getting regional directors’ buy-in for the new Winning Principles through workshops and through combination of various communicative approaches (e.g. moto weeks, case studies…) and HR related adaptations (e.g. align performance system, upwards feedbacks, talent identification according to new Winning Principles)
    • Roll-out leadership development program on how to live the Winning Principles throughout all Asian offices

    Challenge „continuous improvement“

    • Keep the ‘flame burning’ of above mentioned culture related changes
    • Instil a sense of ongoing improvements in an era of constant change of fashion sourcing business

    CONBEN Interventions

    • Workshops with Regional Management team to reflect how to re-invent own business model in digital sourcing world and how to drive culture change further in order to stay successful in competitive market
    • Support Regional Management team in initiating, implementing and following-up on projects to drive the change